20 Irresistible Lead Magnets That Convert Like Crazy

20 Irresistible Lead Magnets That Convert Like Crazy

Fact: 98% of traffic to your website isn’t ready to buy right now.

Fact: 70% of all website visitors on average will never return to the site.

There is a gap between buyer/seller contact and the perfect time to buy.

This is why you need lead magnets to fill that gap and offer incentives to entice people to provide their contact information, so that you can keep in touch until the buy time is finally here!

Last week I gave you the 7 key ingredients for a successful magnet. This week, I want to give you 20 proven examples of high-converting lead magnets. They are:

1. Check Lists
2. Cheat Sheets
3. Templates
4. Swipe Files
5. Examples
6. Scripts
7. Toolkits
8. Web Apps
9. Resources Lists
10. Worksheets / Workbooks
11. Inspiration File
12. Calculators
13. Spreadsheets
14. Educational Tutorials or training calls
15. Ebooks
16. Reports
17. Webinar
18. Free Books + shipping
19. SlideShare
20. Giveaways

P.S. Are you determined to build your business and take it to the next level? Are you unsure about the next steps to take? Is your brand, message, benefits or transformation not clearly understood by your target market? Have you looked at your website lately and thought “Something is just not right?” If any of these questions have occurred to you, you’re in the right place.

My name is Claire Stoddard and I’ve spent my entire career helping business leaders grow their businesses.

I have developed a fully-branded, end-to-end Marketing Profitability Program that will grow your business in just 60 days.

If you would like to know more …

Schedule a call this week!

Author: Claire Stoddard

Copy & Content Writer. Author. Speaker. I WRITE THE WORDS THAT SELL.