Can You Keep A Secret?

Can You Keep A Secret?

I have a secret … one that I have found really grabs readers’ attention. And I’m going to let you in on it –

Try writing your next case study as a “Hero’s Journey”.

Most case studies are dry, boring, and seem to be nothing but a compilation of bullet points.

Try bringing your case study to life by telling it as the story of a Hero’s Journey (your customer) from peril to triumph (of course, with your help).

Stories add credibility; they make you more memorable; they demonstrate the benefits of your product or service in a way that bullet points never do.

Hero’s Journey is a structure invented by Joseph Campbell. It actually consists of 12 steps, but for purposes of creating powerful case studies, 6 steps are just fine. The 6 bolded steps are in Campbell’s own words.

  1. The Ordinary World. This is where the hero (your customer) exists, oblivious of the adventure to come. Describe the situation.
  2. Call to Adventure. The story begins when the hero’s world is turned upside down. Maybe new competition comes into the marketplace, or a system that has always worked somehow fails. Whatever it is, disruption occurs and your customer needs a solution. Describe the problem and the stress that it is causing your client and the people around him.
  3. Refusal of the Call. Although the hero knows he must accept the quest, he has concerns, doubts, and may refuse the call, which only exacerbates the situation. In fact, he may try to shy away from the problem, continue to use existing processes, and fail. Show the consequences of not solving the problem, and how the hero learns that he must take action
  4. Meeting the Mentor. At the crucial turning point, where the Hero desperately needs guidance, he meets a mentor (your company) who gives him something he needs. Whatever you have offered, it gives the hero the courage to cross the threshold.
  5. Reward (Seizing the Sword). With your help, the hero now emerges from battle in a stronger position ready to meet more challenges.
  6. The Road Back. Now the hero can return home with prize in hand and share the story of success with his boss, team, and/or shareholders.

Follow the Hero’s Journey template when crafting case studies and move prospects to BUY NOW.