Converting Readers to ‘Yes’ – Rule #5: Authority
The 5th in a series on psychological triggers that bring people to ‘yes’ – a huge benefit when writing copy that converts. This week’s psychological trigger is called Authority.
Nothing triggers confidence quite like believing somebody knows what he or she is talking about. In fact, it can be downright liberating. To a certain extent, you can suspend disbelief.
Similarly, establishing your business as an authority in its field can get prospects to trust you and ultimately buy from you.
Writing expert content is a great way to:
- Be seen as an authority
- Build a brand
- Stand out among competition
- Influence prospects to try your product
Getting Started
It’s simple – and it’s not. You need to create content that is helpful to your target market, and appeals to their wants, needs, and challenges.
It’s simple because, as an expert, you can easily draw on the knowledge that you need to create content.
It’s not so simple because, to make an impact, you have to create a ton of content. And that is time consuming!
Nevertheless, it’s critical to establish your business as knowledgeable, innovative, and leading-edge.
As we look to 4th quarter 2018, why not choose one of the following authority-driven pieces of content, and resolve to create it by the end of the year?
1. Write a book
2. Publish articles, white papers, workbooks – and post them to your website
3. Send information-driven emails – weekly
4. Develop two or three signature speeches and speak – everywhere
5. Create a catchy tagline that claims your expertise
Previous Persuasion Pillars (triggers)
1. Take and Give
2. Doubling Down
3. Social Proof
4. How Can I Get You to Like Me?
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