Converting Readers to ‘Yes’ – Rule #3: Social Proof
Do you consider yourself an independent thinker – one who can’t be influenced by another’s opinions? Think again.
Q. Why does hearing somebody laugh make us laugh at the same thing? Why do we read Oprah’s book picks? Why do late night hosts influence what we think about politics?
A. Because we tend to determine what is correct by looking to others to see what they think is correct. This principle is particularly true when it comes to deciding where to put our hard-earned money.
In the last couple of Jigsaws, I wrote about psychological triggers that lead to predictable outcomes. They are all based on the 6 Pillars of Persuasion that bring readers to ‘yes’ – a huge benefit when trying to convert prospects.
This week’s trigger – #3 in the series – is known as Social Proof. And we are all subject to it at some point in our lives.
What is Social Proof? It is simply anything that offers proof that other people think something is good. That seems to be good enough to get some people to buy.
Here are 3 pieces of proof that will add power to your sales copy – and lead readers to ‘yes’.
Testimonials. Position them so that they are one of the first things readers see.
Case Studies. Far more detailed than testimonials, they add an extra layer of proof.
Numbers. Click-throughs, people in attendance, sales to date are proof that other people bought. And according to the law of social influence, that is enough to persuade others to buy as well.
Previous Persuasion Pillars
1. Take and Give
2. Doubling Down
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